Dental Health of Pregnant Women Needs to Be Checked Regularly
Dental health is really crucial for pregnant women. That is why the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry published oral health guideposts for pregnant women that would like to have healthy teeth as well as gums. The problem is that mothers who experience health problems caused by gum infection may be at high risk of preterm birth.
Generally, the notion of preterm births usually signifies a really serious complication that can be revealed in the health of an infant. One of the most popular diseases that affects pregnant women is called pregnancy gingivitis. This type of oral disease affects nearly half of all pregnant women and the main cause for it is the change in hormones. Some doctors consider that this gum infection cannot cause a lot of harm as pregnancy gingivitis ends just after the birth of a child.
But, regular visits to the dentist should be performed during pregnancy in order to prevent the development of gingivitis into a more serious gum condition called periodontitis. The later appears to be the main cause of preterm births. According to the studies, pregnant women that are sick with periodontitis are seven times more likely to have preterm births. That is why pregnant women need to take all the possible measures to prevent the development of this gum infection.
Timely provision of pregnant women with the needed information will help them realize all the dangers of oral conditions during pregnancy. Oral hygiene can play one of the most important roles in fighting all the associated gum infections. Doctors consider that timely removal of the bacterial plaque is essential in preventing preterm births. Regular brushing and flossing can bring a lot of benefits in suppressing the gum infection.
Another aspect we need to consider is nutrition. The aim of any nutrition is to limit or to reduce intake of unnecessary sugar which will not let plaque to build up. Besides, pregnant women need to take care of existing tooth decay and treating teeth decay during pregnancy is considered to be a regular and safe practice. If you restore your decayed teeth on time, you will have a great chance to reduce the number of infection in your mouth.
In addition, pregnant women are encouraged to use xylitol gums and it is believed that by chewing this gum they will decrease rate of tooth decay in kids. If you are currently pregnant or you are planning pregnancy, you need to visit your dentist. Usually, women want to take care of their oral and dental health before getting pregnant but dentists do not only stress the importance of dental care before pregnancy but it should be performed throughout pregnancy as well.
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