Use of Antibiotics in Dental Sphere as Infection Prevention
A dentist should be rather careful when serving patients with different disorders. Every time, a dentist needs to be sure that the dental work which is going to be provided will not bring more harm. A specific attention should be paid to people who have undergone replacement surgery. Different implanted joints can be really sensitive to any infection. The thing is when infection reaches implanted joints through the blood stream, the immune system of this person is getting down and the body cannot provide the needed resistance to this infection.
Among people who are considered to be at risk of developing such conditions, there are people that have experienced a knee replacement and hip replacement, and the complication can be almost fatal. That is why a dentist needs to be really careful to reduce the number of situations when infection can reach sensitive body parts. If the dental work is associated with different cuts, a dentist needs to use antibiotics to decrease the chance to catch infection.
There have been a lot of disputes concerning patients who have undergone replacement surgeries. Not long ago, a dentist had to use antibiotics before providing dental work to patients with replacement surgery during the first two years. This opinion was ruined in 2009 and the use of antibiotics for patients with joint replacement was administrated for life. But at the same time, a dentist needs to define patients who are more predisposed for developing infection and patients that do need to use antibiotics on a regular basis.
Besides, these patients can be divided into several categories. There are patients with the suppressed immune system and sick with rheumatoid arthritis and lupus. Also people that take medications for a long time and get a sort of radiation treatment should also take antibiotics before any dental work.
Another category of patients is associated with conditions influencing immune defenses. The immune system of such people cannot fight any infection and the use of specific medications to prevent any sort of infection is highly recommended. Such conditions as HIV, diabetes, hemophilia can affect the immune system of a patient and reduce the ability of a person to fight infection.
The third category is closely related to people that managed to receive infection after a joint replacement operation. Doctors notice high predisposition to infection in such people,, but at the same time your dentist can alter these guideposts and the final decision should be taken after discussion of your worries with your dentist. The most popular antibiotic that is recommended to prevent any infection is called Amoxicillin and one pill should be taken 60 minutes before any dental work performed. Some patients cannot easily tolerate antibiotics taken orally and patients may use Cefazoline as an injection.
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